Pets, like people, can develop allergies to food. Food allergies are caused by an immune response commonly towards proteins in the food. The offending allergen is usually something that has been in the animal’s diet for a while, therefore, there does not have to be history of a recent diet change.
The most common food allergens in dogs are:
The most common allergens in cats are:
Clinical signs include skin changes such as itchiness, redness and secondary infections and sometimes gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and diarrhea. If a food allergy is suspected, your vet may recommend an elimination diet trial with a novel protein or commercial hydrolysed diet for a few weeks. If the symptoms resolve, your vet will reintroduce the old diet to see if the symptoms return, this will confirm the diagnosis. If a food allergy is diagnosed, long term management includes avoiding the food allergens that were identified and treating any clinical signs if relapses occur.
If you suspect your pet may be suffering with a food allergy, contact your vet for further information and advice.